About 5 years ago I built a recumbent bicycle using parts of old bikes (and lots of internet research!) I had a write-up about it on an old website of mine, and today, when you search for my name, you still find the old website first in the search results. I want to retire the […]
Category Archives: Projects
Transcribing Fruvous
Well, it’s been two weeks without any posts, so I figured I’d at least say something here. I do have another sort-of project I’m working on. In two weeks Dave and I are getting together down in his basement for a recording project. We’ve got a half a dozen songs picked out that we’re going […]
Another one bites the dust
As I mentioned earlier, I’m working on a big project to put all my old home video tapes on DVD. I have, at last count, 162 tapes to watch and catalog. On the 145th tape, my trusty old Magnavox VCR I’ve had since high school grabbed a tape, shredded a portion of it, wouldn’t eject, […]
Home video cataloging
In a true test of human multitasking ability, I’m posting this entry while simultaneously watching two video tapes. For the last couple of winters I’ve been working on cataloging my entire library of home videos, including the two big boxes full from mom’s collection, over 160 in all. I’m down to about two dozen tapes. […]