Published: 10/18/2020
I’ve coached FIRST Lego League Teams since 2015. The team has their own website.
You can find some FLL videos on their YouTube Channel and also some older ones on my YouTube channel.
Something fun we tried after the season was over was a tug-of-war contest. I divided up the important parts (motors, weights, wheels) and “sold” them to the teams. So it was a decent lesson in economics, mechanical design, and physics (and maybe a little bit of fun)
Another interesting thing I experimented with was using medium EV3 motors for driving, instead of the more traditional large motors.
A few seasons back, some fellow coaches and I challenged each other to a contest. The rules were:
- you can use the kids’ robot, but must build your own attachments
- maximum time: 30 seconds
- you must do the gecko mission
- maximum build and programming time: 8 hours