Well, the weather held off yesterday and despite fairly poor turnout we had a decent game of kickball. Nathan, Laura, Brent, Dan, Beth, and Larry showed up and we played for about an hour and a half.
We started by playing a few innings with two batters and five fielders. We played with a 1-strike starting count and counted a third-strike foul as an out (which meant a significant number of foul-outs). We didn’t allow walks (you could pass on any pitch with no penalty) and did allowing “bunting”. For the most part, those rules worked pretty well, but with only five fielders the outfielders did quite a bit of ball-chasing.
Our solution was to play an infield-only game. Any ball kicked in the air onto the outfield grass was an out. Any ball bouncing or rolling into the outfield was a ground-rule double. This made the game work great, even though I personally had a problem with my batting average then! Keeping all the play in the infield made the field easier to cover with our limited fielders and resulted in more people getting pegged by the ball!
Folks at work were expressing interest in playing again, so we’re going to try to put together another game in the near future. We’re also considering playing wiffleball, flag football, and other games from our youth. Any suggestions?
DBV will join you in the future – it sounds fun. This past Sunday just didn’t work out.