Dusty had the good fortune to find a Peg Perego Power Pull ride-on tractor on Craigslist recently. The price was right, but unsurprisingly, it needed a little work. We found a new battery for a good price, but there were also some cracks in the chassis. Both the front end and rear ends have succumbed to the impacts a novice driver is likely to administer.
In only an hour, I built a PVC frame to reinforce and repair the chassis. Since the back end was toast, the new frame also provides sort of a hitch as well. Visit the project page to read more.
is it allowed to let you kid ride a Deere? I like it!
As much as I hate to admit it, that little tractor really hauls. It is 12v and only a single-sestet so the power to weight ratio is awesome. We’ve even towed a wagon with other kids with it!
The Cat dump truck is only 6v and only works on paved surfaces.